Boston Area Gleaners is committed to supporting an equitable, just, and sustainable local food system. We fulfill our mission by building innovative partnerships with local organizations and businesses in order to bridge food distribution gaps, improve healthy food access, prevent on-farm food waste, and create new markets for locally grown produce. Our vision is to sustain a permanent agricultural supply chain that will improve the viability of local farms and the health of communities who have historically suffered from inequity in the food system.
The Gleaners have always been at the leading edge of farm-level food recovery work. The practice of gleaning—harvesting surplus food from farms—has been a key component of our mission since our inception, as a way to reduce food waste and support food-insecure families. As one of the first farm gleaning organizations to emerge in New England during the early 2000’s, we have grown to become the largest gleaning organization in the northeast. Now, Boston Area Gleaners addresses food insecurity, on-farm food waste, and local farm sustainability through a variety of programs. With the help of volunteers, the Gleaners harvest and pack food donated from local farms for communities across the region. Through our Distribution program, we deliver fresh food to a network of local food pantries, food banks, and meal programs, and provide trucking support to partner non-profits and farms in need of resources. Our newly-launched Boston Food Hub program is a wholesale market for local produce—providing income opportunities for farmers, healthy food access for low-income communities, and a much-needed farm-to-institution supply line for local universities, hospitals, and food banks. The Gleaners also organize Seasonal Apprenticeships to train the next generation of leaders in the field. |